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Menampilkan postingan dari 2011

Another time, another year passing by

Sebentar lagi tahun 2011 akan berganti dan semakin banyak kenangan yang akan terekam di hati. It's been a great year, despite all the hectics and troubles but i got a lot of surpises that made this year wonderful. Dan hanya bisa berharap tahun 2012 akan menjadi tahun yang indah yang penuh kenangan indah juga.

Mengejar David Becham (Part.2-End)

Setelah selesai conference dan bertemu bang Hasani Abdulgani langsung saya, Omaay dan Alsep menyusul Louis dan Lenny yang sudah menunggu di coffee shop. Dan akhirnya setelah berbincang,Omaay memutuskan kembali dan tak lama Alsep juga kembali(setelah berfoto dengan Syahrini hahaha). Kami kemudian pun pindah ke cafe di sana yang kami pikir akan didatangi untuk makan malam oleh Becks. Dan saya, berbekal uang pas-pasan dan belum makan siang hingga malam memutuskan untuk kembali memesan teh (kali ini jasmine, saya lupa yang saya pesan di coffeshop)tapi thank God kali ini ada biskuitnya hehehee...dan ketika saya ke toilet bersama Lenny dan kembali ke cafe, ternyata para Louis dan Fleming serta temannya mendapatkan foto bersama Robbie Keane dan ada Becks yang bersembunyi dan lari. Malam berlalu tanpa hasil dan hanya sempat berbincang dengan bodyguad Becks dan mereka hanya "lip service" menjanjkan bisa berfoto. Akhirnya kami pada kurang lebih jam 23.30 dan mendapatkan kabar Davi

Mengejar David Beckham (Part.1)

Berita David Beckham yang datang bersama LA Galaxy dalam lawatan Asia Pasifiknya tentunya sebuah kabar yang membahagiakan bagi para penggemar United, tak terkecuali saya. Namun tentunya semua niat ingin bertemu, foto dan meminta tanda tangannya adalah semua misi yang berat karena pihak penyelenggara telah memastikan Becks akan mendapatkan pengawalan ketat. Tentunya saya tak kehilangan semangat, tak ada yang tak mungkin untuk dapat melihat dan bertemu dengan pahlawan saya, pemain yang sangat saya kagumi. Berbagai informasi dan rencana telah disiapkan. Untuk penjemputan pun berita simpang siur dari mendarat dengan pesawat pribadi hingga akhirnya David mendarat dengan SQ tanggal 28 November pukul 08.30 pagi. Sayang saya tak dapat ke bandara untuk menjemput. Tapi, sore harinya saya sudah merencanakan akan ke Ritz, tempat menginap David dan tim Galaxy. Tiba-tiba saya mendapat kabar akan ada press conference di Ritz dan langsung panic dan melihat jam di kantor dan langsung mengkontak te


Jika indahmu tergapai tuk kumiliki mengapa harus kunanti waktu yang mengajakku menjauhi pelukanmu ... inspired by:nitz

Salahkan sang rembulan

Hembusan angin malam menyapa lewat jendela menyapaku yang menatap dari balik tirai... lesu dilanda rindu Salahkan senyum sang rembulan mengapa yang tergambar di hati ini wajahmu salahkan sang rembulan mengapa sinarnya begitu indah mengingatkanku pada senyummu inspired by: omaay

SAF-25Years : A league of his own

Ketika kamu menghitung semua dan bertanya apa yang telah diraih dan dicapai oleh seorang Sir Alex Ferguson, tentu takkan mudah mendeskripsikannya satu persatu. Saya menemukan kesulitan untuk menghitung semua pencapaiannya yang luar biasa di 25 tahun keberadaannya di United. SEMPURNA - adalah kata yang yang kurasa dapat merangkumnya walaupun tentunya tak ada yang sempurna di dunia ini. Melihat kembali ke belakang bagaimana Sir Alex yang sempat hampir dipecat namun bisa membalikkan keadaan dan lihat sekarang(serta hitunglah semua trophy dan prestasinya bersama United), itu akan membuatmu terkejut dan kagum secara bersamaan dan juga bertanya bagaimana dia bisa melakukannya. Sir Alex tidak berusaha menjadi orang lain, dia menjadi dirinya sendiri dan menaruh target tinggi dalam setiap yang dia lakukan. Dan jangan lupakan "pedasnya" kata-katanya namun berhasil membuat kita pendukung United berkata gila dan tertawa. "That lad must have been born offside." - salah sa

A lesson to learn : 1 - 6 for the noisy neighbour

Derby match is always excited. Especially after our noisy neighbour tryin really hard to improve themselves for the last 3 years. And ya, they did it this time. We had to admit that this time they were better sides compared to us. Rotation, red card, wasted chances, and other things are getting in our way to maximize the result. But there's no excuse, a lost is a lost. We should've done better especially we are playing in Old Trafford. Painful it is to see the result on the scoreboard. I hated the fact that we are losing but for the team, it is a lesson to learn, a shock therapy and they have to survive and bounce back. And not only City fans that cheering on our lost but the "anything but United"-ers specially gooners that has been hurt by the 8-2 lost. But all their hatred makes us stronger rite? that's United and the spirit we know. We are way much bigger than they all, so don't let them bugging us although several things has to be done to clear their a

My Love, My Kiss, My Heart

A beautiful Korean song (translated to english), just knew it from my friend Ami. Here goes the lyrics : Each day is like a year My heart keeps sinking Because I keep finding for traces of you- for many days now They are like grains of sand- trying to force down a spoonful of rice Without you, my day has stopped My Love, My Kiss, My Heart I will bury it all deep within my heart One Love, One Kiss, To My Heart I will forget it all, I will erase it all The ringing beats of my heart are like a lie- even this pain Like smudged words- we have faded, we have been erased The rest of the world is the same But if I look around, you aren’t there Losing you, losing everything is something that can’t be turned around *My Love, My Kiss, My Heart I will bury it all deep within my heart One Love, One Kiss, To My Heart I will forget it all, I will erase it all Only the shattered pieces of memories are pierced in me Deep in my heart, deep in my heart, deep in my heart Your

We are United Indonesia...

Hidup adalah sebuah perjalanan yang patut disyukuri dan salah satu syukur yang terucap adalah ketika bertemu dengan mereka yang selalu menghangatkan dan “menghidupkan”. 2006 adalah tahun yang akan selalu terpatri saat pertama bertemu dengan mereka. Tak menyangka bisa jadi bagian dari perjalanan tak terlupakan ini. Bersama mereka begitu bermakna di dalam hati. Semua begitu cepat, tanpa kita sadari mereka begitu berarti dan tak bisa kita jauh dari keluarga ini. Di setiap langkah, setiap nafas, setiap pikiran pasti akan terlintas nama itu, United Indonesia. Dan hanya ada rasa bangga melihat begitu besar pengorbanan mereka untuk memajukan United Indonesia. Tak sekedar lelah, tak sekedar tenaga namun tawa,canda, tangis dan air mata yang tertumpah di sepanjang jalan tanpa lelah mengiringi cinta, semangat dan ketulusan yang ada di dalamnya. Hati tak bisa berbohong dan keluarga ini telah mencuri hati setiap yang ada di dalamnya, termasuk juga hatiku yang akan selalu menjadi milik United

Hooked on you

Kata hati takkan pernah berbohong. Betapa seorang bisa menyangkal perasaannya yang paling dalam dan menyembunyikannya rapi hingga tak pernah diketahui. Betapa inginnya kita mengatakan rindu dan sayang kepada seseorang itu. Tapi kesempatan tak datang dua kali. Begitu kita melewatkannya, dia takkan datang kembali menghampiri kita. Seperti angin meniup lilin dan menunggu seseorang untuk menyalakan api kembali, dan begitulah terkadang cinta menghampiri. Dan begitu kita lepas, kita takkan pernah tahu kapan ia kembali. Terkadang kita tidak tahu bahwa pilihan terbaik kita ada di sekitar kita. Entah bagaimana kita tidak bisa melihatnya, namun yang menyakitkan adalah saat kita menyadari dialah orang yang kita inginkan, semuanya sudah terlambat. Tak ada yang bisa kita lakukan lagi untuk mengubah semua yang terjadi betapapun besar kita inginkan. Kesepian, kata yang menakutkan dan sangat kuat. Memenuhi rongga jiwa hingga tak tertahan, menungggu seseorang menarik kita dari pusaran sepi dan mend

Nadal : End of the US Open journey

The dream has been faded away as Nadal have to admit Novak's unbeliavable game. This year is really Novak's year considering he won 3 of 4 grand slam. Australian, Wimbledon and now US Open. Novak has showned us why he is the world number one. With a back injury he can still tamed Nadal powerful play. And as time goes by (although it's too early to say) i see Roger's time has nearly up. He still can fight but the rise of youngsters really made him have to do more extraordinary. The rivalry between Roger and Nadal now has shift to Nadal and Novak. But as for Federer, will always respect him. The elegant play, the ball positioning, and everything he has done until now. Maybe i'm being a "smartass" but Nadal vs Novak reminds me of Agassi vs Becker in the 90's hahaha i don't know why. All i know i only enjoy the game and didn't think too much. As tears felt, i only want to congrulate Novak for his great year and Rafa for his wonderful achievem

vs Bolton : The Result

source :

Bolton Match : Whatever you do, we can do better!

The competition is getting tighter, specially mentioning our loudly noisy neighbour. Every game played is a 3 point must, and heart beating fast watching the game hahaha...I actually didn't care with the others result but this is competition and we have to see our enemies progress. Against Bolton, one of tough opponent i must admit i thought we're gonna have difficult time there. And yup, the difficult time is not in scoring goals, we have 5 goals after Roo's hat trick and Javier's double. But thanks to Davies who made a harsh tackle on Cleverly and made him injured for 4 weeks while he's at his best performance *sigh*. This young generation combined by some senior player are really thrill me with their unbelievable spirit and play. I see a bright future for United, this club has done it again in my opinion. I can't wait to enjoy all of the sensation they provide to us all. But above all, once again we showed that city fans that we can always do better t

The Professor : A grieve from the heart

Arsene Wenger, banyak yang menghujatnya setelah kekalahan menyakitkan dari United. Cesc saga, Nasri yang berbelok ke City dan seakan skor 8-2 melengkapi penderitaan Arsene dan skuad Arsenalnya. Selain menghujat, banyak pula yang menginginkan Arsene mundur sebagai Manager setelah 15 tahun, 3 piala Premier League, 4 FA Cup, dan 4 community Shield dan tak lupa juga dia membawa Arsenal ke final UEFA Cup 2000 (kalah dari Galatasaray) dan UCL Final 2006 sebelum kalah dari Barcelona. Bahkan seorang Fergie pun pernah mengalami masa sulit dan kelam saat di United dan berhasil menangani itu semua walaupun situasi saat dulu dan sekarang tentu berbeda. Tapi sekali lagi, wajar banyak yang meminta dia (Arsene) mundur terutama setelah 6 tahun tanpa trophy dan kekalahan memalukan yang membuat klub mengeluarkan kebijakan para fans away yang datang di OT akan mendapatkan tiket gratis di away berikutnya. Sebuah keputusan simpatik dari manajemen the gunners tentunya (atau ingin memastikan ada fans yg d

League Table : 1st Month

Source : Manutd.Com

A Famous Win : 8 - 2 vs Arsenal!

An unusual Arsenal, a bit of strange result for me. But looking through how Arsenal play, they deserve it although still it was a shocker result. Their defense is so vulnerable and the coordination is poor. I'm not an expert who can "see" the game and made comments like an analyst. But after losing Cesc specially Nasri they seems to lost the rhytm. Still there's Rosicky, Arshavin but looks like Arsenal already missed them, specially Nasri who already made an early impact for City. Arsenal has been known for the young talents, but on the famous 8-2 victory they can't say much about it because United also play their young player, a promising young star. 1-0 from Danny boy and then a penalty kick that has been taken by Van Persie to make it 1-1, but De Gea make his United mark with a glorious save. And after that, while Arsenal mental going down, United seems to enjoy the game. A wonderful kick from Ashley Young's make it 2-0 and then a spectacular free kick

2011-2012 : The Result (So Far)

Source :

2011-2012 : Season started, make way to the Champions!

I know it's late but better late than nothing right :) 2011-2012 with all the excitements and expectations are here...and our beloved club United are trying (as always) to written another history. August 7th, 2011 Community Shield vs City at Wembley, 3-2 is the final score. Fantastic game that i will always remember. Coming from behind after thrilling by 2-0 (Lescott 38', Dzeko 45'). The lads has showned their sprits. Smalling scored the first goal for United in 52', followed by Nani in 58'. And to make the night sealed with happiness, Nani make his screamer late goal in 94' August 14th, 2011 BPL : vs WBA 2-1 After Shane Long goal, United find their way to hustle back with a goal from Roo and own gol from Reid(but for me it will always be Young's goal). Positive Result August 22nd, 2011 BPL : vs Spurs 3-0 Great result from the lads. Wellbeck, Anderson and Rooney on the scoresheets!

Waktu berlalu, dalam kesunyian

Juni, bulan terakhir saya menulis. Tak ada tulisan atau apapun untuk mengisi blog ini. Pikiran bercabang dan hal lainnya yang membuat menulis seakan terlupakan. Terkadang terlalu banyak yang ingin ditulis hingga semuanya hilang. Tapi sekarang perlahan semuanya mulai kembali lagi setelah tersadar begitu banyaknya waktu yang berlalu dalam kesunyian. Juli berlalu dan kini agustus di hari terakhirnya.

Kenangan Indah : Lupakan atau jangan lupakan

Hidup memang penuh kenangan, indah dan buruk. Kenangan indah memang tidak selalu menyertai kita selalu, namun akan selalu teringat dan terkenang. Aku selalu merasa mereka pantas mendapatkan ruang sendiri di dalam sudut hati. Percuma saja sekuat mungkin berusaha menyisihkan kenangan indah, sampai kapanpun akan selalu ada di hati kita. Dan mengenai kenangan buruk, saya selalu berusaha melupakannya dengan segenap upaya, tapi seringkali gagal sekeras apapun saya berusaha. Akhirnya saya sampai kepada satu kesimpulan berdasarkan saya sendiri. Tak ada gunanya melupakan kenangan. Semua kenangan pantas disimpan dalam hati dan dijadikan dasar bagi kita untuk menjadi seorang yang lebih baik dan berarti. Terima kasih kenangan!

Cinta : Haruskah memilih?

Cinta memang berbelit. Itu kesimpulan dari obrolan wanita kali ini. Atau mungkin kita yang ingin semuanya sempurna menurut versi kita? Sedangkan tak ada yang sempurna di dunia ini. Tidak membahas mengenai ketampanan/kecantikan paras karena ketampanan dan kecantikan itu relatif. Yang menjadi topik adalah bagaimana kita menemukan seseorang itu? Menemukan tentunya tidak mudah, namun mungkinkah karena kita terlalu memilih? Itu pertanyaan yang selalu menggelayuti pikiran saya. Bagaimana mungkin kita bisa tidak memilih? Tentunya kita pasti akan memilih. Hidup memang harus memilih, dan kita yang memilih akan dibawa kemana langkah kita. Dan begitu pula hati kita, kita sendiri yang memilih mau diserahkan kepada siapa hati dan cinta kita. Tak ada yang kekal di dunia ini, cinta pun hanya sebatas liang kubur. Tak ada sehidup semati, satu meninggal dan yang lain langsung menyusul terjun ke kuburan pasangannya dan dikubur hidup-hidup? Tentu tidak. Tapi cinta adalah elemen penting dalam hidup ya

From United Religion Blog : Manchester United Season Review 2010/11 Manchester United Season Review: The Story Lines June 9, 2011 The 2010/11 season was certainly one for the ages as the Manchester United supporters were treated to such an emotional roller coaster. Reds Won The Trophy For A Record 19th Time Each and every enthralling twist and exciting turn made it the success that the Reds secured all that much more enjoyable - especially the way they won the Barclays Premier League title - their 19th top flight title. During every nine-month, 60-game season, there is always one constant: extraordinary story lines - which was highlighted throughout 2010/11 and allowed everyone to witness what the amazing spirit of Manchester United is all about. One of the forgotten things of the season was the fact that United went 24 games, nearly seven months without a defeat, something that certainly contributed to them winning this season's title, but


Membaca yang tersirat di antara suratmu Mungkin tak semua makna terangkai dalam kata Menikmati kenangan yang silih berganti saat memandang tatapanmu Melukiskan rasa yang hanya kita berdua yang tahu Hanya bisa memendam rindu di sini, berharap kau di sana merasakannya Saat kata yang terurai pun tak sanggup puaskan dahaga rindu ini Melukiskanmu dalam hati Merenungkan tentang kita Mampukah masa mengurai makna Saat namamu yang tersebut oleh jiwaku Hanya namamu...

A month to remember... May it is!

A month to cheer on and a month that made tears run from my eyes...Now let's start with a good news first. A lot of things to catch up and to cheers on since my last writing. I went to Sara Bareilles concert in Istora. Frankly i didn't know too much of her songs. But turns out to be one of a great concert i've seen (i missed that Maroon 5 concert and it still made my heart break). Before that, i had a great great time in Surabaya. Went there to attend United Indonesia's couple Ferly and Inge wedding. Me and Anu team(a bunch of crazy gals hahaha) experiencing Surabaya with Gege, Ardi, Opa Ron, and many of United Indonesia Chapter Surabaya member. We were flattered by the warm welcome and the non-stop adventure (and Ardi had a back pain because he is too tired after taking care of us) :) and officially became one of my favourite town. Thank you Gege, Ardi, Sugeng, Opa, Robbie, Cak Guffy, and the rest of the team for your hospitality. We, Anu team will always be thankf

The Royal Wedding : Impian indah tentang cinta

Siapa yang tidak menginginkan seorang pangeran datang menjemput di atas kuda putihnya dan melamarnya? well saya dibesarkan dengan kisah-kisah indah percintaan disney yang berakhir bahagia dan membuat saya suatu saat nanti ingin menemukan pangeran saya. Muluk? mungkin bagi sebagian orang. Tapi akuilah, setiap orang membutuhkan romance dalam hidupnya. Tak ada yang lebih indah di dunia ini selain mencintai dan dicintai. Prince William dan Kate yang melangsungkan pernikahannya 29 April 2011 lalu membuat (hampir) semua mata tertuju pada mereka. Kisah mereka yang berakhir bahagia membuat semua orang ingin menjadi saksi dari kekekalan cinta mereka, termasuk saya. Tak perlu seorang pangeran yang datang di atas kuda putih tuk menjadikan kisah cinta berakhir indah menurut saya. Tak perlu seremoni spektakuler untuk mengesahkan sebuah ikatan cinta dan menjadikan momen berkesan romantis. Romantisme tidak bisa dibuat, tidak bisa diatur karena romantisme tercipta dengan sendirinya. Tak ada yg

Pencitraan diri : Potret Suporter - Saat hati memilih

Suporter pasti akan selalu membela tim-nya terlepas dari die hard atau tidak. Hmmm... sebenarnya istilah die hard suporter itu masih belum saya pahami, entah karena saya tidak terlalu suka julukan itu atau alasan lain. Menganggap diri paling benar sudah biasa di kalangan suporter. Tim yang dibela pasti yang selalu terbaik. Contohnya saya, yang mengaku menjadi pendukung tim Manchester United yang dengan segenap hati saya tahbiskan menjadi tim juara dan terbaik di hati saya. Demikian juga dengan sahabat saya yang begitu mencintai Arsenal-nya dan menganggap gunners tim terbaik. Padahal tim yang berhasil meraih enam gelar dalam semusim adalah Barcelona (nah lho!) Argumen pun tak terelakkan dan sekuat apapun kita berargumentasi takkan bisa merubah pendirian seorang suporter. Coba tanyakan saja ke fans Liverpool yang sudah lama sekali tidak juara, mereka akan dengan bangga tetap menyatakan diri mereka pendukung Liverpool. Apa yang dapat kita ubah? tetap dengan bangga kita beberkan kehe

A smile at the end : Can United get the vital 3 points tonite?

Today is a very important day for ManUnited of course. 6 points gap difference with arsenal and chelsea right on our tail. Everton definietly not an easy side to beat, we surely gonna struggle for 3 points. Hopefully we're gonna get the 3 points. Now i'm in cibinong, near bogor watching the local football game Bogor Raya FC. It's raining hard in here and Bogor Raya left behind by 2-0. Seems like the homeside are not playing like their standard but what can you say about football? every moments can't be predictable. After this match, me and my friends going to jakarta to join our friends watch United game, hopefully the result can make us smile through the night. Finger crossed, UNITED!

Cinta tidak mengenal batasan : Pantaskah kita menilai ekspresi kegembiraan seorang supporter?

Terkadang kita berlebihan saat merayakan tim yang kita dukung meraih gelar juara. Pertanyaannya adalah siapa yang tidak akan merayakannya? Terlepas dari "major" atau tidak kejuaraan tersebut, menurut pendapat saya adalah sangat wajar seseorang atau fans ikut bergembira merayakannya walaupun tim yang didukungnya berada di belahan dunia lain. Cinta tidak mengenal batasan bukan? dan bukankah wajar mengekspresikan cinta yang kita miliki. Memang ekspresi bermacam-macam dan bahkan ada beberapa yang terkesan berlebihan dan menuai banyak hujatan dari berbagai pihak. Tapi pantaskah kita menghina mereka yang mengekspresikannya? Pada saat Real Madrid berhasil menjuarai Copa Del Rey, banyak sekali hujatan mengenai selebrasi supporter Madrid(di Indonesia) yang dinilai berlebihan pada saat disorot di tv, bahkan ada juga yang membandingkan gengsi trophy yang diraih dan selebrasi yang dilakukan. Saya yang membaca pun jadi terheran-heran. Apa salah fans Madrid merayakannya? mereka berhak

This season best comeback : And a hattrick from Roo!

I came late to watch the game with United Indonesia. The score was 1-0 for WestHam, they said it was a penalty. Ok, and then there's another penalty and i thought it was not a penalty. It was closed, but not a penalty once again. 2-0 and then finally the score turns to 2-1, 2-2, and we got a penalty and guess who's the scorer? hell yeah it was Roo's. Chicarito made the night complete by making it 4-2 game for United. Best comeback this season? i think so and once again, the team (although i admit way United play are not as good as i expected)has showned the mentality once again. But hey, once again it was a team that full of youngsters *looking for an excuse? :p * Talking about Giggsy, he showed his "quick feet" and that was one of my "ooh Ahhh moments" of the game besides the result of course. Jumping arround, hugging the lads, thats all i can do when euphoria fill my soul. The perfect night complete with the poolz defeat, chelsea and arsenal dr - United head to America

Manchester United will face the MLS All-Stars in July as part of the club's 2011 pre-season tour to the USA. Full details of all US tour games, including opposition and ticket details, will be announced on Tuesday by Sir Alex Ferguson at a special media event in the United States and also on The All-Star game, sponsored by AT&T, will take place at the Red Bull Arena in New Jersey on Wednesday 27 July (kick-off: 20:30 local time). It's the second successive year United have featured in the annual All-Star game. Last July, Javier Hernandez scored in his first run-out for the Reds as United became the first international team to beat the All-Stars over 90 minutes, with a resounding 5-2 success in Houston, Texas. Youngsters Federico Macheda (2), Darron Gibson and Tom Cleverley were also on the scoresheet. "We're delighted to have been invited to play the MLS All-Star Game for the second year running,” Sir Alex said. “Last year's game was a speci

Sportingo - Manchester United plan £30m transfer of Inter Milan star

Posted in Manchester United News Manchester United will step up their attempts to sign Inter Milan midfield player Wesley Sneijder in the summer, reports the Daily Mirror. Despite the fact that the highly rated Netherlands international only recently signed an extension to his current contract with the Serie A champions that will keep him at San Siro until June 2015, United manager Sir Alex Ferguson is still keen on trying to lure the playmaker to the Premier League at the end of this season - with a £30m price tag now mooted to be on his head. The Scot sees the 26 year old as being the ideal long-term replacement for veteran former England international Paul Scholes at the heart of the Red Devils’ midfield, with Scholes not expected to play on beyond the end of this campaign. However, one potential barrier to Sneijder’s transfer could be the tough stance taken by Internazionale president Massimo Moratti, who said recently of United’s reported interest in his star player: &q - Welbeck To Think About His Future

Posted also in Manchester United News The United youngster currently on loan at Sunderland, Danny Welbeck, is going to give his future at Old Trafford a good dose of thinking about. The striker has proven a big hit at the Stadium of Light this season while on loan with Steve Bruce’s club and he has no doubt benefitted from playing first team football. But the England Under-21 international has now hinted that his long-term future could lie away from Old Trafford as the prospect of returning to training without being guaranteed a place in the first team is not a good one for the player. "I've not really thought too much about what I'm going to do, but I've really enjoyed my time at Sunderland," said Welbeck to the Press Association. "It has benefited me massively, just to be around with the big boys week in, week out. I'm delighted with that, but the end of the season will be the time to sit down and think about the future. "I'm like anyo

Daily Mail - Bryan Robson: I thought I had just a sore throat but doctors told me it was cancer

Posted also in Manchester United News Bryan Robson says he thought the cancerous tumour he had now had removed was just a sore throat. The former England captain and Manchester United legend, now coach of Thailand, was told by doctors he had the disease and had surgery just 48 hours later. Robson, 54 will start a course of radiation but is confident of a full recovery. He said: ‘I thought I just had a sore throat. I went to see a doctor who diagnosed it straight away. I had MRI tests and I was operated on two days later. ‘I had the tumour, which was cancerous, removed from my throat. I am in England for a week to get a second opinion from a specialist but I am confident when I go back to Thailand I should be okay in a couple of months. ‘I am starting a five-week radiation course when I return next week. They are very confident that it is treatable and that I will make a full recovery. ‘I have had fantastic response from fans everywhere which has been a great boost. You hav

The Sun : Robson: I am extremely lucky

He will be involved in fund-raising dinners for UNICEF in Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong next month. Robson, 54, said: "The prognosis is good, so I count myself extremely lucky. "I am even more committed to raising funds to help improve the lives of vulnerable youngsters. "I have been overwhelmed by the support of United fans and well-wishers and I hope everyone in Asia joins me in supporting these events."

United Indonesia-ManUnited Indonesia Supporters : The Tournament!

Taking place at Futbol Salon-Tangerang City, United Indonesia-ManUnited Indonesia Supporters Club having an internal futsal tournament. Their chapters from jakarta, depok,lampung,bandung,bekasi,bintaro and tangerang came to tangerang to fight for the trophy. The tournament was full with the sprits and the chants from each chapters supporters and definietly their having a good time. Finaly there's 4 teams that reach the semi's. Jakarta, Bandung, Depok and Tangerang. Jakarta was trailing 2-0 before their coming from behind stunner winner 3-2 against the former tournament champions depok. The other semi's is tangerang versus bandung. The score is 5-5 and the games turns into penalty. And finally bandung nailed it 3-2 to make it jakarta-bandung final. In the final, jakarta has won the game against bandung with final score 7-4 and the top score went to jakarta also for Teguh Widodo. What a day, and closed by 1-0 vital win against bolton(and arsenal draw). Yeahh!!!

The Fight Of Pride : Chelsea Against ManUnited! (and my memories)

The memories runs back...Moscow 2008 Finals, John Terry, Giggs, the Euphoria and the Trophy. My mind travelling to those sweet moments. I was watching with United Indonesia lads in Green Cafe, Kemang. Ronnie's made United leading 1-0 before Lampard make the equalizer goal. The game turns into penalty. And Ron has missed his. Seems the luck are going away from our side. But Terry's slipped kick made all of us jumping arround.Inhale, exhale and all the feeling has become one. From John, now its Giggsy who passes Sir Bobby Charlton appearance record. What a moment for and from our legend. I am proud to be witness to that moment that i will remember forever in my heart. And to made the the moment complete, the trophy is going to Old Trafford when Anelka's misses his penalty and us going crazy all through the night. I supposed to be in office at 9am, but i reached home at 7.30 am and straight go to shower and go to office. I was very happy and excited until i didn't fe

UEFA Champions League 2011 : The Drawing!

( Finally the drawing has been announced. And here's the updates on the drawing : Quarter-final draw (5/6 and 12/13 April) Real Madrid CF vs Tottenham Hotspur FC Chelsea FC vs Manchester United FC FC Barcelona vs FC Shakhtar Donetsk FC Internazionale Milano vs FC Schalke 04 Semi-final draw (26/27 April and 3/4 May) 1 FC Internazionale Milano/FC Schalke 04 vs Chelsea FC/Manchester United FC 2 Real Madrid CF/Tottenham Hotspur FC vs FC Barcelona/FC Shakhtar Donetsk Final (28 May, Wembley) Winner semi-final 2 vs Winner semi-final 1

The Shocking Comeback : Did i read it right? Jens Lehmann back from his retirement?

After leaving Arsenal in 2008 for Stuttgart and retired last summer, "daddy" Wenger recalled his former goalie Jens as his solution with Lukasz Fabianski and Wojciech Szczesny both injured. Shocking eh? or is it a very desperado move from Wenger ? or he tried to example SAF's who still believe in VDS? hahhaa but hmmm...we'll see. But no matter how strange Wenger decision, i believe the 41 years old Jens will bring a positive effect in Arsenal dressings room. We'll see the effect on the title race. And welcome back Jens!

The Unbelievable News : 5 match ban for Fergie!

Shocking news, i can't believe it happens during this "hectic" title race. Ah yes, for those who always say United has being supported by reffs decision, this is one more example to remind you all that reffs not always favouring us and how we always fight till the end. And the 5 games Fergie will miss are (and fined £30,000 by FA chiefs) : WEST HAM (a) Prem Apr 2 FULHAM (h) Prem Apr 9 MAN CITY (Wembley) FA Cup semi-final Apr 16 or 17 EVERTON (h) Prem Apr 23 ARSENAL (a) Prem May 1 But from the further information, the ban can start on the game vs bolton. So, Fergie will be back on the pitch at Emirates. We love you Fergie! C'mon you Reds!

The Atonement : Roo's overhead kick winners against city

Roo's finally had the chance to get the fans heart again after the transfer saga chaos. He melted it all with his stunning overhead kick and the celebration showing a class of his own. "I owed United Fans That Goal"- that's what Roo said(via RoM)...indeed! The most important thing is we got 3 points against our noisy neighbour. United has showed them the mentality, the class above the rest. Top of the league, one game in hand, a perfect combination of course! Despite of the winner, the 4-5-1 formation is almost made me can't breath..why not 4-4-2 in the important game like this? but i guess SAF's already had his own calculation. Can't say much really :) A screamer goal, a derby winner and the it gonna be Roo's atonement day?

Chelsea-Liverpool Bigmatch : Torres, the 50million pounds man in action!

The big day for poolz and chelsea fans. The main topic is Fernando Torres,the brown hair "blonde wannabe" boy who "betrayed" his idol club Liverpool. 50 million pounds is the investation nominal. Will he scored, will he be the greatest and bring Chelsea to retain the BPL Trophy and win the UCL for the first time? First half, seems Torres still trying to adapt with Chelsea play scheme. Not much of touch but had a chance before Carra block the ball off Torres feet. The game are interesting to watch, high tension and they aim to win the game. The thing is, with the man they called King Kenny i see a better liverpool now. The passion King Kenny brought has been an antidote to Poolz worse play all this time, and specially without Torres. Poolz should've led in the first half when Maxi's touch from Gerrard's assist hit the post bar, should've scored it's should've been a goal. Chelsea also had a couple of chances but Carra's been a soli

The Fairy tales ended : Eyes on the main prize...not bad, 29 games unbeaten!

Well, we clearly not reach the 30 unbaten games. Wolves succeed to stopped us to pass the 98/99 season with 29 unbeaten games. But our main target is not unbeaten records, our eyes are on the trophy, the 19th title. That's what we fight for. I don't feel sad (well i guess i have to admit i'm a bit dissapointed because we could have done better). Aside from my dissapointment, in a tight competition like this to have a 29 unbeaten games are fantastic in my opinion. It's a class that not every club can achieve. Arsenal maybe have 49 games unbeaten, but today's competition pressure cannot be compare (and let the gooners have their own record). Played for 3 points seems smooth when Nani brought us leading 1-0 in the early 3 minutes of the game, but Elokobi made the score 1-1 and then Milijas provides an excellent freekick and there's a confusion about the second goal whether Elokobi or Doyle has scored but Doyle finally put his name on the score sheet. When the

Selamat jalan mas Herwin...A tribute to a best friend of mine...

(from left : Ami, Mas Herwin and Alsep) Last wednesday on february 2nd, 2011 i lost one of my best friend mas Herwin. Like a thunder it ruin my heart and i just can't hold my tears. He was a best friend, a brother and we used to talk about United. His wife Ami is a dear friend of mine. Diagnosed cancer by doctors, mas Herwin struggling to survive. He's a quiet person but once he talked, he will never fail to made you laugh. A true ManUnited supporter with his wifey and son Kenan. I always wanted to have a little family like they had and full of United like them. Imagine, when the seasons get started, they will busy search for the schedule and when they got it they will spread to their family and said that they cannot be disturbed hahaha...what a family! They are romantic couple and it's sad to see the romance has ended...And now the trio has become a duet,that's what my dear Ami said and although she tried her best not to grieve and looks tough, i know that deep i

One of United Greatest : Kau akan selalu kami rindukan Gary...

Butuh beberapa saat menerima bahwa salah satu pahlawan United, Gary Neville memutuskan untuk pensiun sebagai pemain tepat pada 2 Februari 2011 lalu. Seorang yang begitu mencintai United dengan sepenuh hati, seorang yang menjalani hidup dan karirnya sebagai pemain dan supporter United dengan segenap jiwanya. Tak tergantikan! dan kalimat itu terngiang setiap melihat Gary. Jutaan bahkan milyaran kata takkan mampu mewakili rasa kehilangan yang dirasakan oleh fans United. Tak terkecuali saya. Kita semua akan merindukan melihat seorang bek kanan brilian, penuh semangat dan tak ragu untuk menunjukkan ekspresinya bahkan emosinya dan kadang “kegilaannya” yang membuat kita tak mampu berkata apa-apa selain menggelengkan kepala tak percaya. Selebrasi di depan fans Liverpool sambil menunjukkan badge United, berlari merayakan kemenangan di hadapan fans ManCity, menolak bersalaman tangan dengan Schmikes yang berbaju City, melompat kegirangan ke lapangan saat United menang melawan City hingga men

My joyful "nonbar" comeback!

After being forced to rest at home and had to watch United in "silence" for almost 3 weeks, finally today i made a comeback...comeback to my second family United Indonesia. Singing and watchin together with them made me feel alive again. A happy nite closed with a extravaganza result, 5-0! Ben Foster must have been felt awkward had to picked up the ball from his net. Birmingham tried a few times and had a couple of chances but they couldn't found the target. Todays nonbar are not crowded as usual, but i enjoyed it much! Great night, great results and surrounded by great friends and family! UNITED!!!

Garudaku menangis...

Bachdim dan Kim yang bermain untuk klub LPI ternyata tidak masuk dalam skuad U-23 yang diumumkan oleh pelatih Alfred Riedl. Akankah bakat mereka hanya akan sia-sia? Mereka kembali ke Indonesia karena ingin membela panji Garuda, tapi ternyata harus menghadapi kembali birokrasi rumit pemerintah dan pantaskah mereka mendapat perlakuan seperti itu? Bachdim yang pernah mengikuti tes di persib dan persija(dua-duanya klub ISL) dan tidak diterima dan akhirnya diterima oleh Persema yang pada akhirnya memilih mengikuti LPI. Keputusan mereka-kah yang sengaja memilih LPI? tentu saja tidak. Mereka tidak mengerti rumitnya PSSI dan segala tetek bengek korupsi dan kolusi di dalamnya. Mereka hanya ingin bermain di TimNas. Mereka ingin membela tanah tumpah darah yang mereka cintai. Sangat disayangkan, ternyata korupsi dan kolusi sepakbola di Indonesia sebegitu hebatnya hingga menghancurkan bibit dan talenta sepakbola kita. Sebegitu dahsyatnya hingga tak dipikirkan kemajuan sepakbola yang merupakan

Skuad TimNas Indonesia U-23 Pra-Olimpiade 2012

Tidak terdapat nama Irfan Bachdim, Syamsir Alam, Johan Juansyah dan Kim Kurniawan. Berikut nama-nama pemain Timnas Pra-Olimpiade 2012: 1. Kurnia Meiga (Arema Indonesia) 2. Arditani Ardiyasa (Persija) 3. Muhamad Ridwan (Tangerang Wolves) 4. Abdul Hamid Mony (Persiba) 5. Safri Umi (Persiraja) 6. Dias Angga Putra (Persib) 7. Ahmad Farizi (Arema Indonesia) 8. Gunawan Dwi Cahyo (Sriwijaya FC) 9. Rahmat Latif (Sriwijaya FC) 10. Fachrudin (PS. Sleman) 11. Septia Hadi (PSPS Pekanbaru) 12. Okto Maniani (Sriwijaya FC) 13. Dendi Santoso (Arema Indonesia) 14. Egi Melgiansyah (Pelita Jaya) 15. Hendro Siswanto (Persela) 16. Ramdani Lestaluhu (Persija) 17. Nasution Karubaba (Perseman) 18. Engelberth Sani (Pelita Jaya) 19. Johan Yoga (Persib) 20. Rishadi Fauzi (Persita) 21. Aris Alfiansyah (Persela) 22. Titus Bonai (Persipura) 23. Risky Novriansyah (Persijap) 24. David Lali (Persipura) 25. Yongki Aribowo (Arema Indonesia) 26. Ruben Warbanaran (masih dalam proses WNI) Sou

“I thank Ole for every single one of his goals” - by Andreas Budianto

Here's a story from my friend Andreas (you can follow his twitter @mr_ias and our home United Indonesia @UtdIndonesia), recently posted in A different side of Ole, you guys must read it. Here's the story : I believe that everyone will agree with me that the night in Barcelona 1999 was the most dramatic moment for all United fans. I hate to admit that I cried the last time I watch the 1998-1999 Season Review dvd and made my wife laugh at me. But for me, Ole deserves to be remembered for more than merely a goal in the 1999 Champions League Final. I couldn’t remember all of his goals but the one that I will never forget was on March 31st 2007, it was against Blackburn at home in the Premier League. That was the first season of AIG on our kit. I was new in town and would always watch our match at the Manchester United bar here with my girlfriend. A good place that I’ll never visit again until the club is sold. As a United fan from far, what I can