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United vs Pools : In rival nest | The undercover girls

Once in while, doing something different from routines is needed. And this remarkable girls out of nowhere having this "crazy" idea about watching the match in rival nest. Yes i must say the rivalry between the supporter here and there are quite the same, very passionate supporting their favourite football club.

I was excited and arrived at the venue 1 hour before kickoff and the venue already packed. We agreed we are not gonna chants, not wearing anything related to United and just enjoy the atmosphere to show our respect because we know personally some of them, and they are our friends. But as usual, plan does not go as planned(eventually).

At first, there were only loads of supporters eating and chatting at the time. But 20 minutes to kickoff time, there's a loud chant "Oh manchester oh manchester is full of shite" and we just looked at each others and laughed together and joined the chants. And yes, we even sang their anthem "you'll never walk alone" (we search the lyrics just right in time before they started to sing) to begun our glorious night.

We spotted there were some United supporters who dare to came wearing United jersey but seems the bravery award goes to our table. When the game started, came to my surprise the girls sang United chants (while other United supporters that wearing jersey just sit in their seat without sounds except when United scored). And for the first time i admit i was scared to chants and just murmuring the words "Lord save us" hahaha but these amazing girls kept on chanting all the way and i can't hold it any longer and joined them. I can see the surprise from all the pools supporter from the way they looked at us.

And when Van Persie's scored, we all burst in "Ohhh Robin van persie" chant and didn't care about the others surround us. And the next chants just flows like water till the end. The funny thing that happened when the half time whistle blown and some of us go to toilet, we heard "yang MU turun aje" chant(United fans just go home- the chant meaning, much or less) and we just smiled.

And after the match while we were sitting and chatting, the president who's always friendly came and say thank you for our little visit and introduce us to several of his fans club officials. "The undercover girls" so they called us and praised our bravery to came and respect us for not wearing any United related. They handed us the you'll never walk alone scarf and yesss! we did pose holding the scarf, sang (may lord forgive us one more time) you'll never walk alone and took pictures with all the Pool supporters before saying goodbye to what i called "glorious night".

Respect for the Pudlians, the rivalry lasts only 90 minutes and after that we are friends(again). And my salute to all the undiscover girls who have the courage, what can i you gals.

-Never underestimate us because somewhere deep inside, the courage just waiting to appears on the surface-


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