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It keeps coming back...

As much as we hate goodbye in this life but it keeps coming back to our life and make tears fallin down whether in love or friendship, haunted you like ghostship searching for the souls.

Goodbye, farewell and time to let them go and wishing them all the best although it's hard to do. But as hurt as goodbye, does love makes you happy all the time? i find love and goodbye are two bestfriend that keep coming back to visit each other like oldfriends do.Sometimes they gave you pain and sometimes they bring the brightest colours to your life.

Not every love brings smile to your life and not every goodbye brings you tears. Like roller coster they take you up and down although you didn't enjoy the ride.

Love always win? sometimes yes, but mostly not (i guess so, never do a research about it). But maybe love choose the time itself. Let say love knows when the time's right.


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