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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2011

The Atonement : Roo's overhead kick winners against city

Roo's finally had the chance to get the fans heart again after the transfer saga chaos. He melted it all with his stunning overhead kick and the celebration showing a class of his own. "I owed United Fans That Goal"- that's what Roo said(via RoM)...indeed! The most important thing is we got 3 points against our noisy neighbour. United has showed them the mentality, the class above the rest. Top of the league, one game in hand, a perfect combination of course! Despite of the winner, the 4-5-1 formation is almost made me can't breath..why not 4-4-2 in the important game like this? but i guess SAF's already had his own calculation. Can't say much really :) A screamer goal, a derby winner and the it gonna be Roo's atonement day?

Chelsea-Liverpool Bigmatch : Torres, the 50million pounds man in action!

The big day for poolz and chelsea fans. The main topic is Fernando Torres,the brown hair "blonde wannabe" boy who "betrayed" his idol club Liverpool. 50 million pounds is the investation nominal. Will he scored, will he be the greatest and bring Chelsea to retain the BPL Trophy and win the UCL for the first time? First half, seems Torres still trying to adapt with Chelsea play scheme. Not much of touch but had a chance before Carra block the ball off Torres feet. The game are interesting to watch, high tension and they aim to win the game. The thing is, with the man they called King Kenny i see a better liverpool now. The passion King Kenny brought has been an antidote to Poolz worse play all this time, and specially without Torres. Poolz should've led in the first half when Maxi's touch from Gerrard's assist hit the post bar, should've scored it's should've been a goal. Chelsea also had a couple of chances but Carra's been a soli

The Fairy tales ended : Eyes on the main prize...not bad, 29 games unbeaten!

Well, we clearly not reach the 30 unbaten games. Wolves succeed to stopped us to pass the 98/99 season with 29 unbeaten games. But our main target is not unbeaten records, our eyes are on the trophy, the 19th title. That's what we fight for. I don't feel sad (well i guess i have to admit i'm a bit dissapointed because we could have done better). Aside from my dissapointment, in a tight competition like this to have a 29 unbeaten games are fantastic in my opinion. It's a class that not every club can achieve. Arsenal maybe have 49 games unbeaten, but today's competition pressure cannot be compare (and let the gooners have their own record). Played for 3 points seems smooth when Nani brought us leading 1-0 in the early 3 minutes of the game, but Elokobi made the score 1-1 and then Milijas provides an excellent freekick and there's a confusion about the second goal whether Elokobi or Doyle has scored but Doyle finally put his name on the score sheet. When the

Selamat jalan mas Herwin...A tribute to a best friend of mine...

(from left : Ami, Mas Herwin and Alsep) Last wednesday on february 2nd, 2011 i lost one of my best friend mas Herwin. Like a thunder it ruin my heart and i just can't hold my tears. He was a best friend, a brother and we used to talk about United. His wife Ami is a dear friend of mine. Diagnosed cancer by doctors, mas Herwin struggling to survive. He's a quiet person but once he talked, he will never fail to made you laugh. A true ManUnited supporter with his wifey and son Kenan. I always wanted to have a little family like they had and full of United like them. Imagine, when the seasons get started, they will busy search for the schedule and when they got it they will spread to their family and said that they cannot be disturbed hahaha...what a family! They are romantic couple and it's sad to see the romance has ended...And now the trio has become a duet,that's what my dear Ami said and although she tried her best not to grieve and looks tough, i know that deep i

One of United Greatest : Kau akan selalu kami rindukan Gary...

Butuh beberapa saat menerima bahwa salah satu pahlawan United, Gary Neville memutuskan untuk pensiun sebagai pemain tepat pada 2 Februari 2011 lalu. Seorang yang begitu mencintai United dengan sepenuh hati, seorang yang menjalani hidup dan karirnya sebagai pemain dan supporter United dengan segenap jiwanya. Tak tergantikan! dan kalimat itu terngiang setiap melihat Gary. Jutaan bahkan milyaran kata takkan mampu mewakili rasa kehilangan yang dirasakan oleh fans United. Tak terkecuali saya. Kita semua akan merindukan melihat seorang bek kanan brilian, penuh semangat dan tak ragu untuk menunjukkan ekspresinya bahkan emosinya dan kadang “kegilaannya” yang membuat kita tak mampu berkata apa-apa selain menggelengkan kepala tak percaya. Selebrasi di depan fans Liverpool sambil menunjukkan badge United, berlari merayakan kemenangan di hadapan fans ManCity, menolak bersalaman tangan dengan Schmikes yang berbaju City, melompat kegirangan ke lapangan saat United menang melawan City hingga men