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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2011

Hooked on you

Kata hati takkan pernah berbohong. Betapa seorang bisa menyangkal perasaannya yang paling dalam dan menyembunyikannya rapi hingga tak pernah diketahui. Betapa inginnya kita mengatakan rindu dan sayang kepada seseorang itu. Tapi kesempatan tak datang dua kali. Begitu kita melewatkannya, dia takkan datang kembali menghampiri kita. Seperti angin meniup lilin dan menunggu seseorang untuk menyalakan api kembali, dan begitulah terkadang cinta menghampiri. Dan begitu kita lepas, kita takkan pernah tahu kapan ia kembali. Terkadang kita tidak tahu bahwa pilihan terbaik kita ada di sekitar kita. Entah bagaimana kita tidak bisa melihatnya, namun yang menyakitkan adalah saat kita menyadari dialah orang yang kita inginkan, semuanya sudah terlambat. Tak ada yang bisa kita lakukan lagi untuk mengubah semua yang terjadi betapapun besar kita inginkan. Kesepian, kata yang menakutkan dan sangat kuat. Memenuhi rongga jiwa hingga tak tertahan, menungggu seseorang menarik kita dari pusaran sepi dan mend

Nadal : End of the US Open journey

The dream has been faded away as Nadal have to admit Novak's unbeliavable game. This year is really Novak's year considering he won 3 of 4 grand slam. Australian, Wimbledon and now US Open. Novak has showned us why he is the world number one. With a back injury he can still tamed Nadal powerful play. And as time goes by (although it's too early to say) i see Roger's time has nearly up. He still can fight but the rise of youngsters really made him have to do more extraordinary. The rivalry between Roger and Nadal now has shift to Nadal and Novak. But as for Federer, will always respect him. The elegant play, the ball positioning, and everything he has done until now. Maybe i'm being a "smartass" but Nadal vs Novak reminds me of Agassi vs Becker in the 90's hahaha i don't know why. All i know i only enjoy the game and didn't think too much. As tears felt, i only want to congrulate Novak for his great year and Rafa for his wonderful achievem

vs Bolton : The Result

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Bolton Match : Whatever you do, we can do better!

The competition is getting tighter, specially mentioning our loudly noisy neighbour. Every game played is a 3 point must, and heart beating fast watching the game hahaha...I actually didn't care with the others result but this is competition and we have to see our enemies progress. Against Bolton, one of tough opponent i must admit i thought we're gonna have difficult time there. And yup, the difficult time is not in scoring goals, we have 5 goals after Roo's hat trick and Javier's double. But thanks to Davies who made a harsh tackle on Cleverly and made him injured for 4 weeks while he's at his best performance *sigh*. This young generation combined by some senior player are really thrill me with their unbelievable spirit and play. I see a bright future for United, this club has done it again in my opinion. I can't wait to enjoy all of the sensation they provide to us all. But above all, once again we showed that city fans that we can always do better t

The Professor : A grieve from the heart

Arsene Wenger, banyak yang menghujatnya setelah kekalahan menyakitkan dari United. Cesc saga, Nasri yang berbelok ke City dan seakan skor 8-2 melengkapi penderitaan Arsene dan skuad Arsenalnya. Selain menghujat, banyak pula yang menginginkan Arsene mundur sebagai Manager setelah 15 tahun, 3 piala Premier League, 4 FA Cup, dan 4 community Shield dan tak lupa juga dia membawa Arsenal ke final UEFA Cup 2000 (kalah dari Galatasaray) dan UCL Final 2006 sebelum kalah dari Barcelona. Bahkan seorang Fergie pun pernah mengalami masa sulit dan kelam saat di United dan berhasil menangani itu semua walaupun situasi saat dulu dan sekarang tentu berbeda. Tapi sekali lagi, wajar banyak yang meminta dia (Arsene) mundur terutama setelah 6 tahun tanpa trophy dan kekalahan memalukan yang membuat klub mengeluarkan kebijakan para fans away yang datang di OT akan mendapatkan tiket gratis di away berikutnya. Sebuah keputusan simpatik dari manajemen the gunners tentunya (atau ingin memastikan ada fans yg d

League Table : 1st Month

Source : Manutd.Com

A Famous Win : 8 - 2 vs Arsenal!

An unusual Arsenal, a bit of strange result for me. But looking through how Arsenal play, they deserve it although still it was a shocker result. Their defense is so vulnerable and the coordination is poor. I'm not an expert who can "see" the game and made comments like an analyst. But after losing Cesc specially Nasri they seems to lost the rhytm. Still there's Rosicky, Arshavin but looks like Arsenal already missed them, specially Nasri who already made an early impact for City. Arsenal has been known for the young talents, but on the famous 8-2 victory they can't say much about it because United also play their young player, a promising young star. 1-0 from Danny boy and then a penalty kick that has been taken by Van Persie to make it 1-1, but De Gea make his United mark with a glorious save. And after that, while Arsenal mental going down, United seems to enjoy the game. A wonderful kick from Ashley Young's make it 2-0 and then a spectacular free kick

2011-2012 : The Result (So Far)

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