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Menampilkan postingan dari 2014

Dari ketinggian rindu

Barisan awan putih, pulau entah-apa-namanya, gunung dan lautan sejauh mata memandang, tentunya tak setiap saat bisa kau nikmati pemandangan luar biasa seperti ini tentunya sendiri, duduk memandang langit berwarna ungu biru dan putih yang seakan rainbow cake versi besar melalui jendela pesawat -setelah sebelumnya minta dipindahkan dari kursi tak berjendela yang sungguh menyiksa-. Jarak sungguh menyesakkan namun membuat rindu semakin bertumbuh dan tak sabar ingin bertemu. Sungguh rindu harus tetap ada karena tanpanya kita tak akan tahu kemana arah pulang. Dan dari atas ketinggian -yang entah berapa- biarkan semua keindahan yang memanjakan hati ini menuju rindu yang memanggilnya dari timur sana.

What love can do : a journey of love

Love can do anything, they said. And i happened to witnessed how magical love can be. Time,distance never complicate love to find you. Just like my bestfriends who find each other on their love journey. Never crossed their minds that they will end up together(and us too) but that is the magic of love. It's been one year since they wed and now they have a charming and beautiful son called Kamal to make their love journey perfect. Role model in many ways, yes they are. Whenever you see them both you will feel the power of their love even though they rarely share their romantic side but  through their gaze, the way they called each other and many more you can see it and call it sweet love. Picture perfect. A love that will lasts, a never ending love story that's what i wish for my best friends. May the power of love will always be with you both till the end of time. Once again,happy 1st anniversary you two. Everytime i look at both of you, it will reminds me that love does exists